A little bird told me…

Hello, everyone!

I’m truly sorry I didn’t post anything here for such a long time. I was just too occupied with being happy and spending time with Rio.

For the past two weeks, I was at his place, I think I mentioned it, haha. I rarely talk about anything else. It was a wonderful time. Of course, we had our ups and downs and fights, but I’m really happy I went there and saw him. We spent a lot of time together and had really fun times… and he is the best boyfriend this world could give me. Sometimes we don’t share the same opinion, but somehow we will always find a way out of our drama. I’m glad I have him, I’m glad he loves me and I will try to hold onto him as long as I can. He’s mine.

So, we played a lot of games together, mainly Dungeon Defenders (which is really fun, especially with friends), we watched stuff together and went out together a few times. We even went to a wolfpark! Apart from panads, wolves are my favourite animals. They are so majestic, so awesome… I love them. I just love them. Thanks for coming with me, Rio. I’m really glad I could spend that time with you.

I don’t even know what to say… I’m still overwhelmed, somehow. I came home yesterday. I wish I could’ve stayed longer. Spent more time with that wonderful person. He is so loving, so caring, so cute… I just love him. He might be a dick sometimes, but that’s perfectly fine as long as he loves me.

So, as you may have noticed, I’ve been watching some Mawaru Penguindrum lately. I really love that series. I usually don’t watch a lot of anime, but that one somehow got me. The character designs are awesome, the story is kind of mindfucking, yet awesome, it all fits. It even is funny. I like it.  Oh, and penguins are cool, too. Especially those. Hyu, hyu, hyuuu.

What else? I met some fun people on Steam who I’m talking to pretty much at the moment, especially two of them. Not gonna talk alot about that for now, but if it’s getting serious I will tell you for sure.

Sorry for all those “espacially” mistakes. I know it is “especially”, but I somehow always type an a instead of an e.

So, right now I’m waiting for Rio to come home, he should arrive soon… I’m excited. He will come see me this christmas, spending that time at my place. I’m really excited and happy. He told me he’d come.  (He just came online, woop, woop!)

Uhm, yeah. That’s about it. My mom said I looked as if I lost weight, but I don’t know.

I’m glad.

See you again in my next posts!

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